Saturday, October 1, 2011

Winner!!! and Some Digi Art

As promised and I know a little bit late I have a winner for some Prima goodies.!! I am sorry for the delay but haven't been feeling up to par. Hoping we figure out what it is soon. SO without further delay the winner for the giveaway is...........................................By random draw!!!!!!!!!! SuZeQ ~ said... You have no idea how badly I would like to win. No idea whatsoever. Thank you SuzeQ please email me with your shipping info and I will try to get your box out to you this week! Huge hugs!! Also since I haven't been doing much in my room, so I've been playing on the iPad 2 :D And I love it!!! I used the procreate app, to make these. some are original drawings and some are altered photography. See more of these to come. Very fun to back to drawing wether it be on paper or pad hehe
Stock Photo used: Thanks for stopping by :) Jamie D.