Welcome to the Third Annual Handmade Holidays blog hop!! The best crafters, designers, and makers have come together to create and share a series of thoughtful, handmade gifts for the holidays during this 3 day blog hop. Our goal is to inspire you to create something from the heart this holiday season as well as share how to use our products in fun, innovative ways. We intend this hop to serve as a resource to you for this holiday season and for years to come.
Hop along to each blog in the list. Each day, from November 1 through November 3, 2013, we’ll be posting a brand new list of blogs to hop to. Comment on each blog, share your favorite posts over social media, and then use the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of each post to enter to win the Grand Prize, a gift basket filled with crafty swag from the companies on the hop! We’re ready to inspire, share, and create – are you ready to hop?
Hop List:
Clearsnap http://blog.clearsnap.com
Craft Attitude http://www.jonathanfongstyle.com/blog/
Smoothfoam http://www.smoothfoam.com/blog/
Donna Salazar Designs http://donnasalazardesigns.blogspot.com/
Walnut Hollow http://walnuthollowcrafts.wordpress.com/
100 Proof Press http://www.100proofpress.com/_blog/Blog
Graphic45 http://g45papers.typepad.com/
ICE Resin http://iceresin.com/icequeen/
Stampendous http://stampendousblog.wordpress.com/
Sizzix – Eileen Hull Designs http://eileenhull.blogspot.com/
Donna Salazar Designs - Mistra Hoolahan http://mistrabutterfly.blogspot.com/
100 Proof Press – Elise Durenburger http://mamacowcreations.blogspot.com/
ICE Resin – Lexi Grenzer http://lexigrenzer.blogspot.com/
Graphic 45 – Rhea Freitag http://starrgazercreates.blogspot.com/
Clearsnap – Debbie Cole http://www.debbiecole.com
Smoothfoam – Vicki O’Dell http://www.vickiodell.com
100 Proof Press – Teresa Abajo http://thetamarisk.blogspot.com/
Sizzix – Amy Bowerman http://pluckingdaisies.com/
ICE Resin – Jo DeSerio Jones http://shopjomama.blogspot.com/
Smoothfoam – Lisa Fulmer http://lisalizalou.blogspot.com/
fantastic idea!