Thursday, January 26, 2012

Trying to Present Yourself at CHA

   I'm not even there yet and I'm already exhausted. A lot of work goes into preparing for the Craft and Hobby show. Elves do not come, in the middle of the night and put the displays together for you...Or make sure everything is set in it's place--if it were only that easy. You have two days to set up the eye catching presentations and when it's all over, you have an afternoon to tear it all down. I am making sure I bring my ibuprofen and a hot pack lol. But really after all the hard work, the show can be extremely rewarding. Not just for the vendors, or retailers, but for the artists as well. Artists as a whole strive to make themselves known and CHA is the perfect opportunity.
   I find it sometimes difficult though, trying to wade through the artists and designer who feel it's necessary to trample others to get their name out there. Respect flies out the window and the claws come out. Passive aggressiveness becomes a trend, and I end up at the bottom of the pile :/ I'm like the pretty displays; I work hard to build up my confidence and by the end, I'm in pieces at the bottom of a box. This year I refuse to be the one who ends up pushed aside. But I'm going to use my talents, presentation, and self respect to active my goals. If my talent and work ethic is not enough to give myself a leg up, then I guess I wasn't meant to be in this industry. I know and admire many men and women who strive to be morally sound artists and designers. They understand that throwing someone under the bus isn't going to help them achieve their goals in the end. You've just damaged a possible friendship or braking the will of  a person who could have become an amazing designer. I am grateful to know them.
   I hope that others take this in consideration when they walk into the convention center this weekend. Don't let the bright lights and fancy displays cloud your judgment and self respect. 

  Now I must go back to packing, something I should've started days ago ;) I hope to see some of you at CHA and can't wait to see all the people I have gained as friends because of this amazing industry. If you are planning to be in Anaheim, I will be working in the Prima booth. 

  Bring it on CHA! I'm ready!

Have a fun weekend

Jamie D. 

P.S. If nothing above made sense, I apologize I'm working on two hours of sleep. :) 


  1. Stand strong girl. You can do it. I'll sent you some special Reiki love! *hugs*

  2. Let me know if you need any help, I would love o come:)

  3. HUGS HUGS HUGS sweetie! Although, I have never experienced someone trampling me to get somewhere, I can totally appreciate this post. You are someone! You are AMAZING! You are a wonderful, beautiful and dear person. One of the bestest people I have met at CHA! I treasure you and I am soooo excited to see you!! We could meet up after the show, since I am working in a booth!! HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!

  4. WOW, sounds like things get pretty neck to neck at CHA! I guess I've been naive to think it was all about talent and preserving memories.

    I've always enjoyed your work and even a couple of ustream videos. You are a true inspiration and that should be sufficient.

    Have fun at CHA!!!

  5. Hugs girl you are a amazing artist hope you had fun

  6. Hope you had a fabulous time! I came to hunt down your blog and tell you how much I enjoyed your mini album class at Prima- it's a beautiful project (I hope to finish it up this week LOL) and I look forward to teaching something similar to it in my store! I'll be a new follower on your blog, looking forward to what you create next :)
